Next up is something… a little different. Turkey Burgers. Now, turkey burgers
aren’t my favourite, but using fire to cook anything
usually works out. The nice thing about turkey burgers is they need almost no
attention - they cook over a medium heat, and don’t need to be handled.
So lets get started!
- Preheat the BBQ to hot.
- Crack a beer. Anything will do - since you are eating turkey burgers you probably don’t care too much about taste anyway ;)
- I am cooking from frozen.
The Cook
- Reduce heat to medium, and put on turkey burgers
- Relax: these sit for a while. Drink to 1/2 label, and flip. If they are getting a bit charred, reduce the heat to medium-low.
- Still taking it casual, make your way down to the bottom of the label. Don’t rush - the burgers need time to cook.
- Check the burgers to see how they are doing. Give them a flip and re-arrange to compensate for hotspots if necessary.
- Finish the beer, put on buns for toasting (if you are into that kinda thing). Give the burgers one last flip for luck. Crack a new one.
- Kill the neck, then take it to the top of the label. The buns should be toasted and the burgers
You are done!
Tell everyone you need to “clean the grill” and enjoy the next 1/2 beer in peace.
Total Beers: 1 1/2, depending on how long it takes to “clean the grill”.