BBQ with Beer

Is there any other way?

Corn on the Cob

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This latest instalment is a little different - a vegetable! Actually what happened was I had to cook hotdogs for the kids; but hotdogs cook so fast it’s difficult (not impossible, just difficult) to enjoy your beers in the time it takes. So I offered to grill the corn on the cob, too. For safety. And profit.

There are lots of good recipes for BBQ’ing corn on the cob, but none involve drinking beer. Allow me to enlighten.

One word on the corn: I am using store bought corn that has already been 1/2 shucked. There is another way to cook corn on the BBQ if you have the corn in the husk, but I don’t have that today – it’ll have to be for another time.


  1. Put some aluminium foil on the grill, wrap the sides around the bars so it stays put.
  2. Preheat the BBQ to hot.
  3. Get your beer.
  4. Shuck whatever is left of the corn husk (removing all those gross hairs)
  5. Spray or brush lightly with oil. (Helps it stay moist and awesome tasting).
  6. After all that hard work, I assume you are half done your beer. If not, catch up!

The Cook

  1. Put corn on grill, reduce heat to medium or so. If you cook too fast, you dont get to drink your beer. We want to cook the corn so it’s a nice golden brown colour, maybe some black spots. Don’t fret the black too much; it tastes like popcorn.
  2. Drink to bottom of the label, rotate a 1/4 turn.
  3. Finish your beer, and then rotate another 1/4. Notice that the part not directly on the grill still looks raw- that’s ok, we’ll get back to it.
  4. Get a new beer, and drink to the top of the label. Execute an eloquent 1/4 turn rotation. Not you, the corn.
  5. At 1/2 the label, rotate the corn to a bare spot close to the first side you were on. The corn is almost done… better reduce heat to give you more time (and avoid blackening the corn too much). If you too are cooking hotdogs, now is the time to get ‘em.
  6. It won’t be long now until the corn is finished. Drink to 2/3 of the label, and rotate the corns to another ‘uncooked’ looking spot. Drop heat down to low to give you more drinking time, if necessary.
  7. When you get to the bottom of the label, just roll them on an uncooked spot (that is, a spot that isn’t golden brown). They should be done, but just to be sure (and to drink more beer) we’ll give them a couple minutes.

When your beer is done, so is the corn! Bring in your plate of victory, and celebrate by getting a new beer. Grilled corn cools faster then boiled corn, so don’t linger outside with the grill for too long. Go and enjoy your spoils.

Total Beers: 2+, depending how may celebratory beers you wish to reward yourself with.
