This one is pretty straightforward because the ribs are pre-cooked.
That’s not to say you can’t enjoy them, though. After all, they are ribs, and
they are BBQ’d. This one is fast, but suitable for a mid-week BBQ treat.
- The ribs have to be “thawed” - that is, not frozen solid. Overnight in the fridge works well. If there is still a bit of frost on the sides it’ll be OK.
- Pre-heat the grill to medium hot.
- Open the beer. (Its pre-cooked ribs - nothing fancy.)
The Cook
- Put the ribs on the grill, and brush on some sauce if they are looking bare.
- Adjust heat to medium.
- Sit back and relax!
- At 1/2 your beer, flip the ribs, and add sauce to the other side if necessary.
- Sit back and enjoy until your beer is done.
- Beer done? OK, rock and roll. If you think the ribs need more sauce or another quick roll, go ahead. But the meat is cooked :)
Total Beers: Just 1. But for mid-week, and to get tasty ribs, no one should be whining.