Ah yes, a classic! Is there anything better than cooking burgers on the BBQ?
I mean they’re easy, tasty, and appreciated. Not to mention probably one of the
first things you ever cooked on a BBQ - and you never forget your first
love ;)
Now, this cook is very simple. I’m cooking some frozen burgers from the store. Certainly not that prestigious, but I promise to do fresh burgers in another cook. Anyhow, there is nothing like a classic.
So easy!
The Prep
- Get Frozen burgers from the freezer.
- Separate patties with knife.
- Bandage wounds from slicing your digits open while separating patties.
- Get beer. Since this is a quick cook, I went with a richer dark beer. Try Waterloo Dark if you get a chance.
The Cook
- Preheat the grill to 450-500°F (full power!!)
- Put frozen burgers on the grill. Adjust burners to hold temp (if necessary).
- Drink 1/2 your beer.
- Flip burgers.
- Drink the other 1/2 of your beer
- Note that if you want to toast buns or add cheese to the burgers on the grill, best do that when you hit the bottom of your label, or even less. Since the grill is so hot, it won’t take long.
Done - remove burgers and accept adulations and praise (when all you really did was drink a beer outside)
Total Beers: 1 delicious, relaxing beer with minimal effort to get perfectly cooked meat on a bun. What goes well with BBQ burgers? More beer! Go get another one! Cheers!!