BBQ with Beer

Is there any other way?

Corn on the Cob

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This latest instalment is a little different - a vegetable! Actually what happened was I had to cook hotdogs for the kids; but hotdogs cook so fast it’s difficult (not impossible, just difficult) to enjoy your beers in the time it takes. So I offered to grill the corn on the cob, too. For safety. And profit.

There are lots of good recipes for BBQ’ing corn on the cob, but none involve drinking beer. Allow me to enlighten.

One word on the corn: I am using store bought corn that has already been 1/2 shucked. There is another way to cook corn on the BBQ if you have the corn in the husk, but I don’t have that today – it’ll have to be for another time.

Turkey Burgers

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Next up is something… a little different. Turkey Burgers. Now, turkey burgers aren’t my favourite, but using fire to cook anything usually works out. The nice thing about turkey burgers is they need almost no attention - they cook over a medium heat, and don’t need to be handled. So lets get started!

Beer and Sausages

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So lets start with an easy one: beer and sausage! This particular method requires a thicker sausage, like an Italian Sausage or English Banger - not like a Knackwurst.

The key to a nice BBQ sausage is a slow cook; also, it lets you drink more beer. So the basics for this cook will be to heat up the BBQ, then reduce the heat to medium-low to let the sausages roast. And we’ll be starting with thawed sausages.


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Welcome to BBQ With Beer. I am your host, Mike.

Everyone loves BBQ, and lots of folks enjoy beer. This site is about combining these two great things.

Its like Steak and Cheese, or Bacon and Eggs, Scotch and Cigars or… BBQ and beer.

This blog explores the joys of BBQing with beer; recipes and guides with a distinct beer focus. Put away your meat thermometers and timers and let the beer be your guide.

I hope you enjoy the site.