BBQ with Beer

Is there any other way?

Pre Cooked Ribs

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This one is pretty straightforward because the ribs are pre-cooked. That’s not to say you can’t enjoy them, though. After all, they are ribs, and they are BBQ’d. This one is fast, but suitable for a mid-week BBQ treat.


  1. The ribs have to be “thawed” - that is, not frozen solid. Overnight in the fridge works well. If there is still a bit of frost on the sides it’ll be OK.
  2. Pre-heat the grill to medium hot.
  3. Open the beer. (Its pre-cooked ribs - nothing fancy.)

The Cook

  1. Put the ribs on the grill, and brush on some sauce if they are looking bare.
  2. Adjust heat to medium.
  3. Sit back and relax!
  4. At 1/2 your beer, flip the ribs, and add sauce to the other side if necessary.
  5. Sit back and enjoy until your beer is done.
  6. Beer done? OK, rock and roll. If you think the ribs need more sauce or another quick roll, go ahead. But the meat is cooked :)

Total Beers: Just 1. But for mid-week, and to get tasty ribs, no one should be whining.
